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8 Reasons Your Smile Can Be Ruined

Your smile is an important aspect of your personality. A good smile enhances your looks and image. And healthy, sparkling teeth make a good smile outstanding. But the reverse is true as well.

Good looking teeth may take more than brushing, flossing and visiting your dentist regularly. Especially as there are other things that can damage your teeth and gums and seriously undermine an otherwise good smile. Here are 20 of the most notorious.
1. Sports Drinks
Though they may have their advantages and are quite popular, they are not good for your teeth."Scientific research has found that the pH levels in many sports drinks could lead to tooth erosion due to their high concentration of acidic components, which could wear away at the tooth's enamel," says David F. Halpern, president of the Academy of General Dentistry, USA.

These drinks often high sugar levels, which act as food for bacteria that produce acid. The acids then ooze into the crevices of your teeth, creating deeper cavities and causing tooth decay. 
2. Tap Water
Tap water contains fluoride, which is very good for teeth. According to Dr. Charles H. Perle, spokesperson for the Academy of General Dentistry, "Fluoride makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay and promotes remineralization, which aids in repairing early decay before damage is even visible." He goes on to say that studies have shown that the most potent source of fluoride is water fluoridation.

Today, bottled waters are all the rage because we think that it has very little germs. But most bottled water brands contain less fluoride than is needed for oral health if it at all. If a brand has fluoride, it will be listed as one of the ingredients on the label.
3. Diabetes 
Diabetes weakens the body’s immune system, which increases your chances of gum disease among other infections. Apart from daily brushing and flossing, monitoring your blood sugar is also a part of prevention of Diabetes.

According to healthcare, "Diabetes is directly related to periodontal disease, so seeing the dentist and having your triglycerides and cholesterol levels checked on a regular basis is also crucial.” He further adds that research has shown that insulin is good for the gums, which diabetics cannot produce in adequate quantities.
4. Tobacco
It is general knowledge that smoking makes your teeth yellow, but it can be more harmful than that. Consuming any form of tobacco can damage your teeth and gums in several ways.

Apart from increasing the chances of throat, lung and mouth cancer, tobacco is extremely detrimental to oral health. The tar in tobacco forms a sticky film on the teeth. This film is a breeding ground for bacteria, which produce harmful acids. As we have seen, these acids create tooth cavity and decay and inflammation of the gums.
5. Wine 
A line of caution for wine lovers: Regular consumption is harmful to tooth enamel. We say’s the acid in the wine can dissolve tooth structure. Both red and white wine can stain the teeth. However, drinking wine occasionally will not mar your smile.

Wine drinkers can mitigate teeth damage by not swishing or be swirling the wine in their mouths, which keeps it in longer contact with the enamel. Our doctor recommends taking small sips, swallowing soon and rinsing your mouth with water after drinking.
6. Diet Pills
The same reason diet pills seem like an easy way to cut the fat is also why they can hasten the onset of tooth decay and gum disease. Like many prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines, diet pills reduce the flow of saliva. This causes the mouth to dry and increases your chances of tooth decay, gum disease, cavities, and oral discomfort. 

Try smiling through a toothache. Moral of the story: A balanced diet and regular exercising are the safest and most effective way to lose weight. 
7. Candy
It is a misconception that too much candy directly rots the teeth. It is the excess acid that is produced by consuming sugar and carbohydrates that wreaks the havoc. "Naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth devour sugar, creating acids that attack tooth enamel, which can lead to decay and a host of other problems, including gingivitis and cavities".

The sugar that lingers on your teeth and gums does the most damage. Children and adults fond of candies and sugar should brush and floss immediately after eating them. It is less harmful than eating just one piece before going to bed without brushing.
8. Dry Mouth
A dry mouth is bad for the teeth because there is little saliva to flush away the bacteria that cause tooth cavities and dilutes the harmful acids."Without saliva, you would lose your teeth much faster; it helps prevent tooth decay and other oral health problems".

People prone to dry mouth should drink lots of water. They can also use toothpaste with fluoride and chew sugarless gum. Another option is saliva substitutes, which are available over the counter. If dry mouth is a chronic problem, only a dentist can help.


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