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5 things that can be magical in a good oral health


Brushing your teeth twice a day is a must. Brushing in the morning takes out the dental plaque formed all night, gives a good breath, makes you feel fresh and energized to start a new day. While brushing your teeth at night takes out all the food debris that could be on your teeth and helps prevent cavities from developing. 


Flossing your teeth once a day at night is a good habit. Tooth brush cannot reach areas between the teeth. If you do not have tight contacts between the teeth, food could get stuck between teeth. When you leave the food debris between teeth uncleaned they colonize bacteria and cause decay between teeth. Cavities between teeth can be unseen for a long time and may only be noticed by the patient at a later date.


Rinsing your mouth after every meal or eating something is always a good practice. When we rinse our mouth we take out the food particles sticking to our teeth. This in turn helps maintain the teeth in a good condition.


Nothing can be more beneficial than water to the body in many ways. Drinking a lot of water at repeated intervals not only is good for the oral cavity but is beneficial to the body in many ways. The more hydrated the oral cavity is, the less are the chances of cavities. Sticky saliva or dry mouth can be one of the reasons for high cariogenic index and water will help you get away from the same.  

5.Biannual Dental visit 

Make sure you visit your dentist once every 6 months for a routine checkup. It is possible to pick up any problem in the mouth much earlier by a dentist than by you. If there exists a problem it is wiser to treat it early than wait for it to cause more trouble.

Nelivigi dental clinic wishes you a good oral hygiene and pearly white teeth which you can be proud of. 

If you have questions to ask about Dental related problems. Click on the topics below to find out more from the direct website of Nelivigi Dental Clinic | Best Dental Care Hospitals In Bellandur 

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