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Dental Implant over Bridges

Crowns and bridges:

A crown is a cap like structure placed over a tooth and a bridge is made to replace a missing tooth. There are various reasons why a bridge may be indicated on your teeth.

2.    Two or more successive root canal treated teeth 
3.    Missing teeth on either side of a natural tooth
4.    Generalized attrition of teeth reducing the vertical height etc.,

In any of these situations you may be advised a bridge. The bridge involves capping 3 or more teeth. In case you have a missing tooth, to provide a bridge the dentist has to prepare the tooth behind and infront of the missing region. Therefore two teeth which are good, normal and healthy have to be prepared to receive a bridge.
An intentional root canal treatment may be necessary sometimes on these teeth before they are prepared to receive a bridge. Hence we are compromising the health of 2 teeth to replace a missing tooth. Sometimes when more than one tooth is missing, it may not be possible to take anchorage of only 2 teeth to make a bridge. In those cases may be 3 -4 teeth have to be prepared to receive a bridge.

If one does not maintain a good oral hygiene, there are chances that these teeth may become carious or get periodontally involved as well. Ages ago when there were no better options available this was one of the ways of replacing a missing tooth. With the advent of dental implants the replacement of tooth has reached a higher level.

Dental Implants:

We can use biocompatible titanium screws which replace the root of the tooth. They get osseointegrated (become a part of the bone) and prosthetic or artificial crown can be placed on these implants to mimic a natural crown.


1.    Biocompatible: Hence no issues with the body rejecting the implant
2.    Health of the other teeth not compromised
3.    The health of the bone is maintained. There is no resorption of bone happening since the forces of occlusion fall on the alveolar bone. In case of bridge the missing tooth area always has resorption of alveolar bone since it is devoid of all occlusal forces
4.    It is the closest replica for a natural tooth.
5.    If taken care of well, it can last a life time.

The technique of placing implants has refined over years and is said to be less painful as compared to extraction of a tooth. A single tooth implant is not very expensive compared to getting Zirconia 3 Unit Bridge. Hence, think wisely before you choose an option of replacing the missing tooth.

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