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Advantages of Invisalign over Regular braces

Invisalign are clear aligners used for orthodontic treatment. The aligners are a series of invisible, removable orthodontic appliances that fit over your teeth. Your teeth are 3D scanned and the appliance is custom made on your teeth to guarantee a perfect fit. In order to get the smile you always wanted, simply wear the aligner every day for at least 21 hours. They are only taken off to eat, drink, brush and floss.


Removable applianceFixed appliance
High aesthetic appealMetallic display on smile
Oral hygiene maintenance is much easier and simplerOral hygiene maintenance more difficult
Can continue to eat what you are eating and how you are eating today with the aligners tomorrowHave to modify what and how you eat
Practically inconspicuous hence good for elderly patientsElderly patients may not be very happy having metal display on smile
Great for people exposed to media and cameraNot ideal
No of visits to the orthodontist is much lowerHave to see the orthodontist once every 4 weeks
No pricking and poking with wiresWires may hurt the patient causing ulcers
No break in the continuity of treatment even on travelIf you are travelling and cannot see the orthodontist in 4 weeks there is an extension of time.
If the braces break there is an extension of a few weeks in the treatment
The treatment time required is preciseTreatment duration depends on a lot of factors like,
* Patient compliance
* Regular visits
* Non-breakage of the braces
* Severity of malocclusion etc.,
Great for patients who have a gum problem and mobility of teeth as the rate of tooth movement can be altered,Rate of tooth movement can be altered but cannot be clinically specified
The clincheck software can exactly show how your teeth will look like at the end of aligner therapy.
What is predicted in the clincheck can be achieved to perfection with the aligners and refinements available.
Not available


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